Python 3.x


This image is suitable for deploying python jobs managed by supervisord. Supervisor jobs conf files can be kept int he jobs folder and python requirements.txt can be placed in the root of the project

Stack Code

  • python-v3 - To be mentioned in build.image_template in appz.yml. See Sammple AppZ Yaml.

Sample Project

  • Wiki Data - This project has a job that pull data from Google big table and uses Grafana to display charts of Wikipedia visitor data.

Sample AppZ YAML

Name: appz.yml. To be placed in the root of your git repo.

  code: WIKIDATA
  name: WikiData

  build_file: none
  env: DEV
  image_name: myco/wikidata
  image_template: python-v3
  output_files: output/*.zip
  version: 0.2

  context: myco/DEV
  - 80
  replicas: 1

  FETCH_MIN: 30000
  FETCH_MAX: 300000
  BATCH_SIZE: 10000
    vault: CRED_JSON_PATH
  revision: 6

Environment Variables

There are no image specific environment variables for this image. The image is vault enabled so secrets can be pulled from vault using the vault: as the value of an environment variable under properties in appz.yml. See CRED_JSON_PATH above.


  • Capable of running unlimited number of replicas across multiple regions/datacenters.
  • Job scheduling accross multiple instance will be application's responsibility


Sample Job Conf

Any number of supervisor job conf files are allowed in the jobs folder in the root of your repo. Here is an example as used in the our sample repo - Wiki Data. When refering to python file in the job use relative path from teh root or the repo without the / at the beginning.

command         = python3 wikidata/scripts/
startretries    = 3
autostart       = true
autorestart     = true
stdout_logfile  = /appz/log/%(program_name)s.log
stderr_logfile  = /appz/log/%(program_name)s.log
redirect_stderr = true 

Please refer Supervisor Configuration File Documentation for more details.